Daily words
lieptõ vt
 lepitada ▫ samierināt

Bōgajaņi jāra l com

madāli adj
 madal ▫ zems ♦ madāli āina madal rohi ▫ zema zāle; madāli kūož madal koht ▫ zema vieta; madāli pū madal puu ▫ zems koks; madāli ēļ madal hääl ▫ zema balss; madāli ve’ž madal vesi ▫ sekls ūdens

This portal was created by Līvõ Kultūr sidām (The Livonian Culture Centre) and offers a wide range of information on the Livonians, their culture, language, and history. Here you can discover the places the Livonians have lived, their cultural monuments, the location of their most important archives, and also about new Livonian-related events and exhibitions. You can learn about Livonian traditional and contemporary culture as well as become acquainted with their community organisations and most important personalities. The UL Livonian Institute section contains information about this institution as well as Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary which is updated on an ongoing basis and which is supplemented with word forms and data from the Livonian language corpus. This section also contains the Livonian place name list, a list of Livonian borrowings in Latvian, and other resources for learning about and studying Livonian. The Library section contains a collection of articles, links, and videos on Livonian topics grouped by category.

We wish you success learning about Livonian culture!

1992 – the first issue of the renewed monthly paper Līvli was published.
1921 – Anna Zariņa, an archaeologist and expert in the ancient Liv clothing, was born. 1998 – the International Liv Friends’ Society was founded.
1994 – in Mazirbe, an international scientific conference ‘Livs and their culture: conservation theory and experience of small nations’ language and culture’ took place.
2000 – Kersti Boiko presented her Liv text-book.
1939 – in Mazirbe, the Liv Community House was opened.