Daily words
spitš s
 suitsupits ▫ iemutis

likkõ vt
 lükata, tõugata ▫ grūst, stumt ♦ jarā likkõ Ap7.27 eemale tõugata ▫ nogrūst malā ● Ma likūb ra’jjõ. Ma lükkan tooli. ▫ Es stumju krēslu. Kä’dkõks sa likūd tǟnda je’ddõpē’ḑõn. KK78a68 Käega sa lükkad teda edasi. ▫ Ar roku tu viņu stum uz priekšu. Ne likīzt laijõ. Nad lükkasid paati. ▫ Viņi stūma laivu.

asfalt s
 asfalt ▫ asfalts  2L8

Welcome to the new section on livones.net hosting various resources for learning about and studying Livonian. Currently, this section contains studies of Livonian, the newest online version of the Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary, the Livonian place name register, and a list of words borrowed from Livonian into Latvian. These Livonian language resources were developed with the support of the Latvian Language Agency (Latviešu valodas aģentūra).

Along with individual words, their meanings, and examples showing their use in context, each entry in the Livonian-Estonian-Latvian dictionary also contains that word’s declined or conjugated forms. These can be accessed by clicking on the type number after the entry. The expanded search makes it possible to find the search term in other dictionary entries as well as the uses of this word within the Livonian written language corpus.

Already this year, this new section of the portal will be supplemented with sections from the new Tartu University Livonian language reference grammar as they become available.

1923 – the charter of the Liv Union was registered with the Liepāja Distric Court.
1993 – Mazirbe Group of the Liv Union was founded.
1947 – Baiba Šuvcāne, editor of the montly Līvli and compiler of The Liv Year Book was born.
1928 – Ēdrõm Velde, a lifelong member of the ensemble Līvlist was born.
1971 – Renāte Blumberga, an ethnologist was born